Saturday, May 26, 2012

I'm baaaaaack!

Probably no one noticed that I've been gone. It's only been 3 years and 11 months since my last post but what the heck. a lot of things have transpired in almost 4 years. 2 grandkids and 1 more great have been added to the tribe. My work at Brother Bryan's Mission has increased but the thing I want to talk about is having to come to grips with the fact that I'm diabetic and if I want to remain on this planet for any extended length of time I'd jolly well better start acting like it.

I was actually diagnosed with Type-2 diabetes about 15 years ago. At the time it was no big deal. Take some pills, watch what I ate (sort of), check my Blood Glucose level every once in a while and everyything went swimmingly. As the years ticked by I put my condition on the back burner with disastrous results.

2 years ago, I had ballooned to 345 lbs.and had to walk with the assistance of a cane because my knees couldn't the load anymore. My blood glucose had gotten out of control and I just in general felt like crap 99% of the time. In addition my doc, who was already pretty darned disgusted with me, had to go on extended leave of absence due to problems of his own.

After coming to the conclusion that I didn't want to die, I went to another doctor. He wasn't all that keen on taking me on as a patient but due to the fact he was already my wife's doc he agreed to seeing me. He really laid it all out on the table, if I wanted to live I would have to make drastic changes in my eating, my activity level, my cooperation with a treatment plan and primarily in my attitude. Through the grace of God, a supportive wife and a doc that wouldn't put up with my crap, things have turned around.

Through many trials we have come upon a combination of medications that have brought my blood glucose level back under control. I am eating correctly again. Actually, better than ever in my life. As a result I have lost over 85 lbs. and my weight continues to slowly drop. I no longer need a cane. (If the truth be known, I really don't the the handicap tag on my car.) I can actually mow my own lawn again for the first time in 3 years.

Is everything just rosy? NO, but life is so much better I have no desire in returning to the miserable condition that I brought on myself before. My gratitude to Jane (my wife), Dr. Frank and primarily to God.

I feel certain that there will not be a 4 year gap between posts again.

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